Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prudent and Un-Personalized or Rebelliously Recognizable?

I need new plates. My favorite (and only) license plate, the one given to me when I officially claimed to be a Wisconsinite many, many moons ago, reads: Everyone's Favorite Hottie. Yup. That is what the state issued to me. How did they know? Who told them? I have no idea but I drove around with EFH in my plates for the last ten years.

Now it is time for a new plate. My mother told me back in high school that I should never get a personalized license plate because people would always know where I was. Paranoia, you ask? No. Just a small town mom who now lived in the big city and was cautious of too much attention, thus becoming a victim of crime or other misdeeds.

So, it never crossed my mind. Having an automatic issue plate was what one did. But now, I wonder. Should I throw caution to the wind and let everyone know that NUMBER ONE BEAR FAN is at Pic N' Save? Should I be a rebel and say that CHICAGO LOVER is at Home Depot? Or should I keep my dealings clandestine? Should I not stray from mom's advice and just be another 678KLH in miscellaneous parking lots?

Hmmm...... what to do, what to do?
The time is here. Within the next week (or so) I will be paying Wisconsin Fee Trust (?) either $75 dollars to be anonymous or $90 to be super special and recognizable.

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