Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Quiet Night Around The Fire

Guess who's home this weekend... Yup, heee's baaaaack.

Lenny came home for Thanksgiving and is here through the weekend. It's always fun to have him here... mostly. It's the little things that get to be very annoying. Like the kitchen sink that is currently full of raw chicken carnage from last night's beer-can chicken.
Yes, he cooked dinner. But is the aftermath worth it? That is the question. But that is just a small example. I'll leave it at that.

Because there was no wind last night, he made a fire. Great, I love sitting by the fire on a clear night, Dixie running around sniffing every corner of the yard (both the ground and the air) and listening to music or catching up or just enjoying the flames in silence.
Let's see... nice fire - check; clear night - eh, can't have everything; Dixie being her happy K-9 self, check; music - nope; catching up - kinda; silence - Hah!

Again, I say, I love when he comes home. The bigger the break between his visits, however... how shall I put it?
Having a fire is always nice - that's a given.
Catching up - nice when it's a dialog, not a monologue.
When the conversations are driven by spirits, it's a whole 'nother ball game.

It's quite comedic, for lack of a better term. He tells a funny story, then a semi-funny story. By the end of the night, those same stories have been heard dozens of times. So what appears to be a night full of tales and such is actually about 7 minutes of conversation on a loop. Another part of the comedy is the stance.
In the beginning he stands with drink-hand resting comfortably on his tummy, looking to you for confirmation or comprehension of whatever he's talking about. Later the stand becomes a swaggering walk with the drink hand now gesturing parts of the story. Finally, the walk ends with what seems like an impossible feat: he stands in one spot, feet planted, with body swaying to and fro, hither and yon and the drink hand now rests in a lowered position, close to the thigh, occasionally losing some of its treasured content.

Admittedly, the show that he inadvertently puts on can be quite entertaining, I just wish there was a mute button.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Need Some Color

Hi, I'm just going to pretend no time has passed since my last post. Why not? What'll happen... someone will leave me a comment asking what the heck happened to me over the past few months! I think not.
I found out that a local Ace Hardware is going out of business and Everything Must Go. Excellent news to someone who has a whole house to fix. I've always thought Ace to be pricier than most chains (of course) and didn't find any extra customer service that I found at Menards, Lowes or Home Depot. But at $10 for a gallon of paint, color me pleased as peas to be a new customer. I need:
2 quarts grey matte
1 gallon ceiling white
1 gallon yellow satin
1 quart yellow satin
2 gallons sky blue (one satin, one ???)
1 gallon bright white satin
2 quarts light oak (or was it pecan) stain
2 quarts polyurethane
1 box of "sandy" additive
1 wide (5? 6?) inch brush
1 high quality 4" brush
40-60 grit sanding sheets for a "mouse" or corner sander
220 grit sanding sheets for a "mouse" or corner sander
a new sander
make it two (one belt, one mouse/corner)
window cling (you know, the kind for blocking wind)
3-way light bulbs
re-chargeable batteries (AA, AAA, 9V)
throw in some picture hangers and I think that'll do it.

Why are you still reading? Head on over before everything's all gone!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

March Madness

It feels like spring outside. Yesterday's temps reached a remarkable 65 degrees. Not even a breeze. Go figure... where were the March winds? No matter.

School's going great! This is my planned month from h-e-!-! Just get through 3 more weeks and back to a normal school schedule. My goal is to get through March with all my nerves intact. Let's see: receive sensory input... check; make it make sense... check. Well, 98% check. (I can do a partial check, it's my checklist.) Arrange that input and output it into my homework and exams. (I can use output as a verb. It's my blog.)

I'm going now. Far, far away...  to another window so I can get started on my work.


Friday, January 27, 2012

All My Pictures

New year. New me.

Just kidding. I have never been one for resolutions. Make none, brake none.
How's that for logic!   :~)

Anywho- like I mentioned in a previous post, I will start uploading my pictures beginning from August 2011. What I think will be easiest is to use pages: easy for me to organize and post, easy for you to find. Win-win.

If you look to the left, under my picture is a column titled "Pages". Click on any of those links to get you to what you are looking for. A list of my Picture Pages is below detailing what each page will show you. Have fun!
And thanks for spending a little time here with me   :~D

A List of My Picture Pages:
  1. Home - So, Miss Angela Said... main page
  2. Worth A Thousand Words - this page will soon be deleted
  3. Food, Glorious Food - my creative cuisine creations, and those from other kitchens than my own
  4. Everyday - everyday is worth celebrating
  5. It's A Family Affair - mom n dad n al n kindel n ant n Luke... yes the cat, furry family counts, too
  6. House... not the Dr. - a one stop shop for progress on the glass barn

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year !

My next project, like I mentioned in a recent post, to get as many pics off my camera as possible...  starting with Halloween.
If you think about it in quarters, I am not so far behind. Many businesses are closing out their Q4 transactions.