Friday, December 30, 2011

My world according to Pooh

It's almost here, it's almost here!

No, not the stuff I ordered from & No, not Ed McMahon with my multi-million dollar check. And no, not the new year. I am patiently awaiting the return of my sanity and I'm pretty sure its arrival is right around the corner.

I've been doing some work on myself and my outlook on current situations is not as bleak as they once were. Simple task, you say. Sure. For some. Yet for the rest of us, it takes a little more effort to get back to that happy place we all have somewhere inside us.

With a little help from surprising places, I suspect I will not feel so crazed and out of sorts, any day now. Winnie the Pooh (one of the surprising places) came around to remind me of how simple life really is. He & I, like many, many others, have been friends since I was but a child. And with the remake of the classic movie released this year, I was able to rekindle our relationship, so-to-speak.

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. 
"No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."
winnie the pooh

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I Think I Am In Love!

I have gone and put my foot in it. Dammit!

Like so many others, I have gone online to look for friendship, companionship, and if I played my cards right, love. I guess I should not be surprised that I found what I was looking for. But the problem, if not already obvious, is that I already have someone to love. My dilemma now: what to do with these two.

Do I introduce them to each other? Frightening.
Do I keep the old and forget the new? Possible, but what would I be giving up? The possibilities of new found love are too enticing to just throw away.
Do I get rid of the old? No. Definitely not. We have years together already and what, I am just supposed to throw him out on the street?

What to do? What to do? I thought writing it out would help to clear things up but I am still quite confused on which path to take.

Here, the current love of my life:

Keeping warm in the office

His oh, so special, weird eye

He & his sister, Bo, were eleven when I adopted them from the humane society.

A better view of the weird eye. I was told from an infection he probably had in his youth.

He is now about 17 years old and his sissy died this past February (2011).

Here, my new found love:

She is a four year old girl weighing in at just over eleven pounds. I love a nice sturdy cat. Not fat. Just able to hold their own when puppies come over.

Oh what a pickle!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prudent and Un-Personalized or Rebelliously Recognizable?

I need new plates. My favorite (and only) license plate, the one given to me when I officially claimed to be a Wisconsinite many, many moons ago, reads: Everyone's Favorite Hottie. Yup. That is what the state issued to me. How did they know? Who told them? I have no idea but I drove around with EFH in my plates for the last ten years.

Now it is time for a new plate. My mother told me back in high school that I should never get a personalized license plate because people would always know where I was. Paranoia, you ask? No. Just a small town mom who now lived in the big city and was cautious of too much attention, thus becoming a victim of crime or other misdeeds.

So, it never crossed my mind. Having an automatic issue plate was what one did. But now, I wonder. Should I throw caution to the wind and let everyone know that NUMBER ONE BEAR FAN is at Pic N' Save? Should I be a rebel and say that CHICAGO LOVER is at Home Depot? Or should I keep my dealings clandestine? Should I not stray from mom's advice and just be another 678KLH in miscellaneous parking lots?

Hmmm...... what to do, what to do?
The time is here. Within the next week (or so) I will be paying Wisconsin Fee Trust (?) either $75 dollars to be anonymous or $90 to be super special and recognizable.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Food, glorious food. Hot sausage and mustard!

I cannot stop eating. Period.

And although I do not eat hot sausage, mustard and I are friends. But more than mustard, I like carbs. What woman doesn't?

And this love has gotten me to where I am now. Carbs and a little loneliness and a dab of depression. And maybe a wee bit of woe.

Now that I have lost some depression & woe, I have to lose the poundage. Exactly 16 pounds. Day one of my quest begins tomorrow. Seriously, tomorrow. Not the figurative "tomorrow."

While I do not believe in diets, only changing eating habits, when I rise tomorrow, I will begin to make a conscious effort at each and every meal to make smart choices.

Did I fail to mention that I am trying a fiber & calcium supplement to help ward off hunger? Not diet pills.