Worth A Thousand Words

Thursday December 22, 2011

I just uploaded photos from my camera. Good grief... there are tons! They go back all the way to Halloween. I will begin going through and looking for the ones good enough to share. There are videos, too; none of which are more than 30 seconds (I hate getting sucked in to videos and the next thing you know, 10, 20, 30 minutes have passed. 
'Til then ya'll...  :~)

me & my pa...  I cheated by standing on the curb... He's not that short... Or I'm not that tall... One or the other

Me: helping. Seriously. It was my job to hold down the sub floor while the glue dried. I worked very hard!

Food, glorious food. Hot sausage and mustard. Or not. 

New York Cheesecake!
Peanut butter cup and original. Num Num!

Dinner: oven baked bbq wings.
Rating: Silence, burps and a sloppy face

Not exactly food, but a lovely chewy.

Chili loves squash... but only when it is cooked. Needless to say, her first Halloween carving was not the fun she anticipated.

She gives it another sniff just to make sure. 
"It is on the floor which usually means it is for me. But I refuse to eat this mush!"

Penne pasta, and grilled chicken breast with homemade Alfredo sauce and garlic bread.

My turn at beignets. May not be from Cafe DuMond but still nummy.
Rating: Hovering around the stove until they were done; eating them while still hot from the pot; powdered chin; ending with a request for next weekend's breakfast.

No matter what I do, I always have flat chocolate chip cookies. I have tried year after year after decade after decade. Never fails. 
Flat Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Rating: Flat, chewy, tasty.