So, craigslist and I have become weekend buddies. I pay him a visit and he tells me where to go for FREE stuff. We used to be friends many years ago when I was getting back on my feet and needed appliances Desperately. It has been nice rekindling our relationship. Now that I'm back in the mood for good finds, my treasures are racking up quite nicely.
As of today craigslist has awarded me with the following: firewood. Numbers 2 & 3 were found on my own. 4 was all Lenny. 5 was a combined effort and 6. Well, there really isn't a 6.
1. Firewood. "But wait, Angela. I thought you lived in an apartment. What in the bleep are you going to do with firewood?" you ask. Well, I'm gonna make a fire... in Lenny's backyard. As a previous post mentioned, I dug me hole in which I plan to have me a fire. It would be rude of me to invite others to sit around it with me seeing as the property does not belong to me, but... well, I am nothing if not hospitable. So, let's
sit around a fire!
2. Giant Spool. You know the kind: made of wood planks used to wind cables, etc. for commercial/ industrial use. Perfect for a table to, all at once now,
"Sit around a fire." Very good. Unfortunately for those without a cup holder in their camping chair, my butt has become accustomed to sitting on said Giant Spool. I may have to find another table.
3. Fu-chaise. Some of you (those of you who helped me move it, especially) are familiar with my "sofa-ton". It is a futon made with a non-removable, spring form, upholstered cushion; picture an upholstered mattress. It looks, feels and acts like a sofa, nothing like the futons you had in college. But come night time, when opened, it gives you the support of a mattress ('cause of the springs and cushioning). Back to the Fu-chaise: it is a futon with an all wooden frame, twin-sized and sits about 6" from the ground. In it's upright position, it looks like a (very low) chaise lounger. It was so funky-cool, I couldn't pass it up. The owners (also the owner of the Giant Spool) just bought their first house and were giving away all their furniture that looked too collegiate. Those are my words... you should have seen what I left behind. Pretty decent stuff for the 18 - 22 year old male.
Which brings us to why I picked it up in the first place. I was right in thinking Al would love to have it. (I was right.)
4. Fireside Chairs. Lenny was able to free some dead weight from his previous landlord's basement. Tenants often leave behind things in storage units, apartments, etc. when moving on to the next chapter in their lives. Well, this tenant did not want to continue living with two office-like chairs. Kind of early '90s contemporary. Metal arms and legs. Faux-leather upholstery. Mostly weather proof, totally comfortable.
5. River Rocks. The end. Seriously, that is a story better told while we, once more with feeling,
"sit around a fire." Good job, guys!
6. Water. No, just kidding. The water department came and installed a new meter so Lenny can be charged just as much as anyone else to do the three "sh"s each day. Time Warner is also receiving their fair share. I guess in the end, you still have to pay quite a bit for creature comforts. But I still have fun finding ways around it.